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Art Ministry Opportunities

Eric Liddell, the famous Scottish runner, once said: “I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.” That’s how I feel about encouraging people with my art ministry. I feel God’s pleasure in it!

I am passionate about encouraging people to think on what is true, honorable, just, pure, and lovely. I absolutely LOVE knowing that something I created touched someone’s heart in just the right way. It gives me purpose. And it’s something that I want to keep doing more of in a very intentional way.

After several months of prayer and considering various options, I’ve determined three ways I can pursue more ministry opportunities with my art. In addition to regularly sharing it online, here’s what I’ll be doing in 2023:

> Offering artwork ‘at cost’ for small churches or ministry families.
I’ve already been doing a bit of this unofficially. For example, a pastor’s wife asked me to create some custom painted bookmarks for Father’s Day last year. I designed and printed new prayer cards for a fellow missionary couple. And I donated dozens of note cards and stickers for a missions conference in September. I would love to do more like this for those who might not be able to afford those things otherwise.

> Donating a percentage of my profits to a designated ministry each year.
Artwork isn’t the only thing that can be shared as an encouragement to others: its profits can be too! Each year I’ll choose a ministry who can use the funds for a specific need, and donate to that need for the entire year. And if I end the year with more profit than I’m expecting, I’ll make an extra donation then too. In 2023, I’ll be donating to Red Cliff Bible Camp in Pinedale, WY.

> Sponsorship opportunities on Patreon.
If you would like to be part of this art-as-ministry endeavor, consider sponsoring me on Patreon. For as little as $5 a month, you can help me afford necessary supplies so I can continue creating and sharing my art for free or low cost, and donating consistent profits throughout the year. You’d be supporting me so I can share my work with those who need it most. You’d also receive free goodies throughout the year, as a thank you for your continued support!

I look forward to seeing how God can use my art for His glory through these opportunities, and I hope you’ll join me!


Sponsor me on Patreon here. Or let me know of other ministry opportunities here

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